This attractive 222 +/- acre Oklahoma ranch for sale represents an exceptional mix of recreation and agricultural value that is enhanced by wonderful water resources, a mosaic mix of timber and forage and with elevation changes of almost 100 feet. This well located Oklahoma land for sale offers the serenity of country living on a permanent basis or as a weekend/recreation retreat.
The 222+/- acres sells as surface only. The ranch is located ½ mile South of Highway 33 on S 449th West Avenue near the Olive community. Drumright is 6 miles West, Tulsa is approximately 35 minutes and Stillwater will be approximately 45 minutes.The ranch can be accessed from the Oklahoma City Area in around 1 to 1.5 hours.
The majority of the Oklahoma acreage for sale located in the bottom land is composed of Dale and Ashport silt loams which support the Bermuda and fescue improved forages. Approximately 25% of the property has a native grass forage base that consists of Tallgrass Prairie grasses, legumes and forbs. The dominant grasses will be big bluestem, little bluestem, Switchgrass and Indiangrass. The remaining forage base will include Bermuda, fescue and some clover.
The approximately 35% timber base consists of Cross Timber species such as post oak, black jack, persimmon and hickory. The bottom land, near the spring fed creek and tributaries, will contain species such as red oak, bur oak, pecan, walnut, sycamore and others.
The hunting land for sale offers several options of grazing,hunting, recreation and country living while being
relatively close to several larger metropolitan areas.
While the owner has not grazed the land for several years, the fencing can be repaired to contain a livestock operation.
The recreation and hunting opportunities are additional values whether it be for a weekend getaway or
permanent home location.
A new owner could explore several tax advantages and tax credits that might be of interest. Putting the
land under a conservation easement with no or limited development could offer some attractive tax
credits while the land should qualify as special Indian Land and be eligible for Federal Accelerated Tax
Approximately $400 per annum