An improved wildlife/recreation property consisting of approximately 960 acres of a mosaic mix of open prairie and Cross Timbers vegetation. Elevation changes from 1010 ft. to 880 ft. presents a varied terrain. Post oak, blackjack, hickory, persimmon and sand plum are some of the upland species while red oak, walnut, sycamore, pecan and red bud are just a few of the bottomland species that are found on the lower areas.
For maps and other information please contact us.
The 960 acres, +/-, are located in Osage County and therefore sell as surface only.
The property is accessed by turning East off of Highway 99 onto County Road 3851 for 0.8 mi, then East on County Road 3450 for 0.75 mi to locked gate. A dedicated easement across adjoining land owner provides access to property. Shown by appointment only.
Pawhuska 18 mi
Bartlesville 30 mi
Tulsa 1.5 hrs
The ranch and the area have been managed for several years by the owner for quality wildlife habitat. A concerted effort has been made to develop trophy deer and balance the buck/doe ratio. Considerable progress has been made to enhance the quail population to the point that meaningful hunting has been available the last few years. The quality fishing opportunities found on the lake and the several ponds may be the ingredient that draws many people to this diverse Osage County landscape.
Just as important as the hunting opportunities, for tracts such as this, is the ability to enjoy the
non-game animals and birds that are prevalent in this diverse ecosystem. A quiet sunset or sunrise on the lake may be the intrinsic value that makes this property so unique.
A 40′ X 50′ insulated shop with 15′ lean includes cabin complete with heat/air,full kitchen, bath and bedroom that sleeps 6. Additionally, 4 fenced and 2 unfenced food plots add to the recreational value.
Although the total acreage of native grass is not large enough to sustain a large livestock operation, it does offer a quality forage base that currently provides summer grazing for stocker cattle. More so than many recreation properties, the grazing income is sufficient to contribute financially to the upkeep of the ranch.
The varied terrain lends itself to horseback riding, hiking, bike and ATV trails. The relatively short distance from Tulsa and Bartlesville is a value that should continue to grow in the coming years.
The property is located in an area that qualifies for accelerated federal income tax depreciation on qualifying ranch improvements. This is due to the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 that targets former Indian Lands in Oklahoma. This act has been extended through 2011 and provides a shorter recovery period of approximately 40% for most non-residential depreciable property.We are currently waiting to see if it will be extended through 2012.
Advalorem taxes in Oklahoma are generally favorable when compared to other areas of the country.
The property includes 4 stocked fishing/ livestock ponds, as well as, a 6.5 acre private lake. The lake was stocked in 2007 with Florida Highbred Bass, Black Crappie and bluegill.Bass are currently weighing 6 + lbs and crappie up to 2 lbs. The water well is located next to the cabin/ shop.
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