This combination of agriculture and recreational property is located just north of Skiatook and adjoins Skalall Creek. The silty loam and clay loam soils are productive introduced forage and cultivated crop soils. Because a portion of the acreage is in the flood plain and can occasionally flood, it would seem that forage production may be the highest and best use. The area next to the Creek has been utilized as a cultivated hay production area or could extend the grazing potential with the use of electric fencing on the edge of the creek. Rural water and utilities in place.
The acreage will be surveyed to an existing fence on the west side that extends from the south side of the Hillside Cemetery to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 1 T22N R12E. The property is divided into two grazing areas and one cultivated field of approximately 37 acres.
Located outside of the flood plain in the northwest corner of the NE/4, and adjacent to 186th Street North is a site that includes a water tap and an existing septic system from a previous mobile home location. The very southeast portion of the farm, located east of Skallal Creek, is accessible from 181st Street North and is not in the flood plain.
LOCATION: Three miles north of the intersection of Highway 11 and 20 in Skiatook to East 184th Street North, then east to 186th Street North. The acreage is located east of Hillside Cemetery, on the south side of the road, for approximately 2400 feet to just west of Skalall Creek. The property can also be easily reached from Highway 75, on the same street, by driving west 3¼ miles.
WILDLIFE/RECREATION: The location adjacent to the creek enhances the wildlife habitat and a creek always provides a number of recreation activities. The abundant deer population is attracted by the habitat and multiple browsing forages. The creek, and upland areas will include, but not be limited to; Red Oak, Bur Oak, Hickory, Walnut, Pecans and Persimmons.
FLOOD ZONE: Most local inhabitants are familiar with the many flood zone areas in northern Tulsa County because of the flooding caused by Bird Creek over the years. It should be pointed out that, although a portion of this acreage is in a flood zone, the shallow flooding is from Skallal Creek and not affected by Bird Creek. Approximately 6 acres is not located in the flood zone with utilities in place making an ideal location for a homesite.
TAXES: Estimated to be approximately $325 per annum.
PRICE: $333,000 West boundary to be surveyed by owner. Including all owned minerals.
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