DESCRIPTION: This introduced grass ranch offers a competitive animal unit cost due to productive soils further enhanced by an annual rainfall average of over 45 inches and a growing season of 215 days. The pastures and traps increase the ability for rotational grazing that is crucial to forage management. The ranch is easily accessible from perimeter county roads and rural water is available in many locations. This creates a very customizable ranch that can fit the needs of a wide variety of potential users.
This is currently a working ranch with minimal costly improvements. In addition to the native rock home, there is an additional frame house generating additional rental income. The introduced forage located on quality loam and silty loam soils currently supports approximately 160 cow/calf pairs year-round.
LOCATION: The ranch is approximately 5 minutes from Checotah and 30 min from Muskogee.
Livestock Auctions:
McAlester: 50 miles
Ft. Smith: 70 miles
Oklahoma City: 120 miles
Due to the location near Muskogee and several ports along the McClellan – Kerr Arkansas River Navigation system, fertilizer, lime and other products are competitively priced. The location near poultry production areas offers chicken manure as another cost-effective soil amendment option.
If the fishing on the ranch doesn’t satisfy, get off the ranch and enjoy the numerous fishing and water sports opportunities on the very nearby Lake Eufaula.
IMPROVEMENTS: The 3 bed, 2 bath 2400 sq. ft. ranch manager home is located at the headquarters area that includes the 80’ X 50’ Morton shop, arena, 45 ton overhead feed bins, equipment storage, corrals and 100’ X 50’ covered hay storage. The improvements are all electric and served by the Shady Grove rural water department. Two sets of steel corrals are situated throughout the ranch. Additionally, the frame home is currently utilized as a rental and provides additional income.
SOILS AND FORAGE CAPABILITY: The predominate Dennis and Bates loam soils, which are generally capability type II and III, provide the base for many high yielding introduced forages such as bermuda, fescue, crabgrass, numerous clovers, and annual ryegrass. These soils are mollisols, or grassland soils, that are very well suited for grazing production. Many of the pastures were formerly cultivated and will support no-till wheat, rye or other forage annuals. The numerous pastures coupled with the fertile soils and favorable climate, make this ranch an excellent opportunity to implement a year-round forage program and drastically reduce winter feed costs.
A portion of the ranch was mined in the early 1980’s. Following completion, the mandatory remediation included replacement of all top soil and construction of water impoundments.
The timber along the riparian systems and scattered timber in some of the upland pastures provide cover, shade and wildlife habitat. This cover will include but is not limited to red oak, post oak, blackjack, walnut, sycamore, redbud and pecan.
GRAZING/ FORAGE MANAGEMENT: The ranch is currently utilized as a cow-calf/ stocker operation and is considered to be stocked conservatively. An experienced forage manager will quickly see the upside with a moderately aggressive forage management program. The favorable climate of the area is ideal for implementing additional cover crop/overseeding mixtures to both enhance soil health and diversify the forage base of the ranch. Stockpiling forage and winter grazing should be easily accomplished thanks to the multiple pastures and suitability for cool season forages.
There are approximately 8 pastures which create an ideal situation for a very flexible and customizable rotational grazing strategy throughout the property. Typically, the most limiting factor developing rotational grazing plans is the distribution of stock water. The ranch was thoughtfully designed to provide adequate permanent water in all of the pastures. Additionally, many of the pastures could be further divided into grazing cells utilizing temporary electric fencing and further water development utilizing the rural water system.
WATER: The ranch contains 7 ponds, several more than an acre in size. The headquarters area is served by rural water and is available in several other areas of the ranch.
RECREATION / WILDLIFE: The numerous ponds provide endless opportunities for fishing and water fowl hunting. The timber cover along the riparian areas serve as excellent travel corridors and provide habitat for deer, turkey and other upland species of wildlife.
MINERALS: Surface Only. Two non-producing gas wells are located on the property.
2019 TAXES: $2810 per annum
PRICE: $1,664,000 $2600/ Acre
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