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McDonnell Ranch- SOLD

  • $7,851,250
McDonnell Ranch- SOLD
  • $7,851,250


  • Price: $7,851,250
  • Land Area: 2855 Acres
  • Location: Morris, OK


An extremely productive working livestock ranch consisting of native Tallgrass Prairie vegetation interspersed with improved and introduced grasses. This combination creates a very competitive animal unit cost in a very picturesque setting with rolling hills and valleys. The elevation changes are near 125 feet.

ACREAGE: • 2855 deeded acres, more or less, mostly in Okmulgee County

LOCATION: • 8 and ½ miles east and north of Morris, Oklahoma.
• 16 miles east of Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
• 30 miles south of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
• 120 miles east of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

•A recently refurbished comfortable split-level home, of approximately 4000 square feet, built on an elevated location with a panoramic view.
• Four bedroom/two bath home at the headquarters.
• Two bedroom /one bath smaller home.
• Headquarters containing:
• An 80’ X 55’ shop/equipment storage/wash rack.
• Well arranged corrals with a heavy duty hydraulic chute and an additional calf and yearling hydraulic chute.
• Livestock scales.
• A recently constructed hay barn.
• Three compartment 45 ton bulk feed storage.
• New four stall horse barn and other storage and equipment sheds.
• Fencing in excellent shape with several miles of new construction.
• Operating oil and gas production owned by the owners that at one time furnished gas to one of the homes but is now just producing crude oil.
• Superior loamy soils with very little surface rock.
• A 40 acre +/- lake, approximately 30 ponds, and two creeks.
• Timber in the riparian areas in different areas of the ranch.
• A variety of wildlife plus hunting and fishing opportunities.

The mix of native and improved forages provides a mix of forage that is desired by many livestock producers. Approximately 60% of the pastures are managed as improved grass and 40% as native. There are some areas that would convert to improved grass very easily.

The deep sandy and silt loam soils are well suited for the Bermuda grass based pastures in place on the Ranch and could, with additional fencing, provide more opportunities for ryegrass, fescue, clover, and even improved crabgrass introduction.

The owner feels that a conservative 550 cow/calf units and adequate hay production can easily be maintained on the Ranch by the use of a conservative fertilization program, judicious use of herbicides, the introduction of clovers and rotation between the native and improved forages.

The over 40 inch annual rainfall average also sustains the native Tallgrass Prairie grasses, forbs, and legumes. The southern location provides earlier grazing than some of the traditional grazing areas such as the Osage and the Kansas Flint Hills. The moderate winters will contribute to the success of either a cow/calf or yearling operation.

The spilt-level home of approximately 4,000 square feet is designed for entertainment and family living. The principal living area, which includes an open kitchen with oak cabinetry and island range, overlooks the lake and rolling countryside. The home has recently been remodeled and a new 12 ton electric central heat and cooling system installed. The electricity to the home is underground from the county road. A new safe room is located downstairs and inside for easy access. This home is located ½ mile northwest of the headquarters.

The 1,600 square foot +/- home, located at the headquarters, has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths and also has central heat and air. A rural water district provides the water for the headquarters and all the homes.

The smaller 2 bedroom and 1 bath home is located ½ mile south of the headquarters. This home’s central heat is powered with propane.

The new shop and equipment storage area will contribute to the care and repair of ranch equipment regardless of weather conditions.

The recently constructed hay barn contributes to the value of the forage production and the ranch.

Bulk feed storage is a must for a ranch of this size and the 3 compartments of the bulk bins offer the opportunity to store different mixes of feed.

Easy movement of livestock whether in the pasture or while working in the corrals is a major objective of any successful operation. The hydraulic chutes, the design of the corrals, and the fence arrangement of many of the traps and pastures, all contribute to this objective while being a labor saving tool at the same time.

The owners will transfer all the minerals they currently own. This is believed to be all or a major part of 2,500 acres. They are presently producing from 3 to 4 stripper wells The owners have not been aggressive with the mineral production and admit, with better management, this production could probably be enhanced.

The large lake is an upstream flood control structure that is located on the Ranch property and the adjoining landowner to the west. Besides water for livestock and wildlife, the lake offers fishing and water recreation opportunities and attracts a large number of waterfowl, as do the other 30 or more ponds on the property. The two creeks that flow through the Ranch offer protection and water for the livestock and also provide excellent habitat for the varied wildlife in the area.

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