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Kachina Ranch- SOLD

  • $699,200
  • 437
  • Lot Acres
  • Osage County, OK
  • Location

Kachina Ranch- SOLD

  • $699,200


  • Price: $699,200
  • Land Area: 437 Acres
  • Location: Osage County, OK


Property Description:           This combination grazing and recreation property in the cross timbers of east central Osage County is conveniently located just west of Bartlesville. The location of this ranch, nestled between large properties including the historic Woolaroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve, gives this property privacy and increased hunting opportunities. Operating on 437 acres, the property offers diverse home site locations with an aesthetic view of the rolling Osage Hills. The opportunities this property presents with native tallgrass forages and wildlife habitat in a remote location are abundant. The proximity to the Wah Shah She Reservoir, and the various creeks and springs feeding it, increases the wildlife opportunities. The acreage includes adequate to excellent fencing, with three ponds and rural water access along the county road.

The property includes access to County Road 2145 with direct access to highway 123 and highway 60, making travel convenient with a 10 minute drive to Bartlesville and an hour to Tulsa. Adequate to excellent fencing enclose the property. Additionally, the property may be easily divided into 2 smaller tracts.

Climate: The Kachina Ranch is located in an area with favorable growing conditions. The long growing season and over 40” of annual rainfall makes it one of the most productive areas in the country for both grazing and wildlife habitat.

Acreage:         The 437 acre property lends itself to division into 2 smaller tracts of 143 and 294 acres, respectively.  The tracts are located in Osage County and therefore sell as surface only.

Location:        The property is accessed from the north by turning south from Highway 60, west of Bartlesville, onto County Road 2145. It is accessed from the south by turning north on County Road 2145 from Highway 123, south of Bartlesville. There is a 10 minute commute to Bartlesville, and just an hour to Tulsa.

Improvements: There are no improvements on any of the tracts and the fencing is excellent to adequate.

Water:   Rural water is available along County Road 2145 and there are 3 ponds located on the property.

Additional Information:       The varied terrain and combination of timber and open prairie creates excellent wildlife habitat and hunting. The property also adjoins the Frank Phillip’s Wooloroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve and the 542 acre Wah-Shah-She Girl Scout Camp providing an excellent buffer for wildlife.


                        Smaller tracts will be priced accordingly.

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