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Frye 160 Acres of Oklahoma Land

  • 160
  • Lot Acres
  • Newkirk, OK
  • Location

Frye 160 Acres of Oklahoma Land


  • Land Area: 160 Acres
  • Location: Newkirk, OK


This property is composed of rolling topography with a wet weather creek and two ponds. The existing forage base is composed of introduced bluestem planted as CRP. The primary soil types consist of Port and Westsum Silty Clay Loams. Owner rates the capacity at approximately 35 cow-calf units on a year round basis without fertilization. Previous interest has been shown leasing wind rights.


NW/4 of Section 34, Township 29 North– Range 1 East, Kay County, OK 155.25 acres, more or less
12 miles Northwest of Newkirk, OK
From Newkirk: 8 mi West on Peckam Rd. to County Road S, then North 4.5
miles to Southwest corner of property.
Approximately: 30 minutes from Ponca City, OK
2 hours from OKC and Tulsa, OK
1.5 hours from Wichita, KS

Water Wells:

There are four water wells averaging around 65 feet in depth along with a pump station located on the property. It is used to pump water to a neighboring tail water pit for irrigation purposes. Surface owner does have water rights as well. For detailed information regarding OWRB permits and usage please contact


The perimeter and cross-fence is in excellent condition and composed of 5–wire steel construction. The land for sale Oklahoma is cross-fenced into two, approximately 80 acre pastures, East to West.

Wind Energy:

Previous interest has been shown leasing wind rights in the immediate area of the Oklahoma ranch land for sale.


Multiple species of wildlife can be found on the property such as; ringnecked pheasant, deer and the occasional turkey.

Additional Info:

The property has a FSA crop base of 155.25 acres with 1.7 acres in sorghum and 142.9 acres wheat base receiving DCP payments of $2,182 annually. Current owner to retain all 2010 payments.

2009 Taxes: $31

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