This versatile recreation and agriculture property has a diversified landscape that includes improved Bermuda, native forage, timber and creek bottom. An area has been cleared leaving many larger trees that provides a very appealing landscape of grass and mature timber.
Acreage and location
Recent survey indicates 326.72 acres. Property sells as surface only. There is no current oil or gas production on the property.
The property is accessed north of Highway 64 on N4680 Rd. Approximately 1.5 miles north of Highway 64, just south of Wolf Creek, a gravel road travels east to provide recorded easement access to the acreage. A small portion of the property adjoins Interstate 40.
Improvements and Resources
The varied terrain lends itself to horseback riding, hiking, bike and ATV trails. The relatively short distance from Sallisaw and Ft. Smith is a value that should continue to grow in the coming years. Although the total acreage is not large enough to sustain a large livestock operation, it does offer a large enough area to provide grazing for a small cattle operation.