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1502 Acres

  • 1502
  • Lot Acres
  • Stroud, OK
  • Location

1502 Acres


  • Land Area: 1502 Acres
  • Location: Stroud, OK


This central Oklahoma ranch for sale is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Stroud. Stroud is located approximately 60 miles northeast of Oklahoma City on the Turner Turnpike and southwest of Tulsa 50 miles, also on the turnpike. This places the property approximately 1 hour from either city. This property may not appeal to those buyers desiring a polished ranch for it is not presently producing near its potential. Instead, this property should be of interest to those buyers that can visualize the potential and prefer to build a property to reflect their manner of operation.


This Central Oklahoma ranch for sale is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Stroud. Stroud is located approximately 60 miles Northeast of Oklahoma City on the Turner Turnpike and Southwest of Tulsa 50 miles, also on the turnpike. This places the land for sale approximately 1 hour from either city.


1502 acres, more or less, surface only.


We present, in this ranch, a property that probably will not appeal to those buyers desiring a polished ranch for it is not that nor is it presently producing near its potential. Instead,this property should be of interest to those buyers that can visualize the potential and prefer to build a property to reflect their manner of operation. The land is priced to account for the positive and negative factors and to create additional value in an upgraded acreage.

We should first present the positive attributes of this well located ranch southeast of Stroud.

The productive soils, according to their location and type, are well suited for introduced forages and
native Tallgrass Prairie grasses, legumes and forbs. The rolling terrain is currently covered with approximately 45% timber interspersed with open pasture land with a good forage base.

The two lakes, one 10 acres +/- and the other 15 acres+/-, offer recreation value to both the fisherman
and waterfowl enthusiast. The varied habitat, throughout the ranch, offers the hunter and outdoorsman a selection of varied hunting opportunities.

The headquarters area, in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 9, contains cattle pens, shop, hay barn, an unoccupied home and mobile home.

Only one 160 acre tract has new fence, while the rest of the ranch has poor to excellent perimeter fencing. The partition fencing and that adjacent to the roads, can contain livestock only with constant

Forage Production and Soils:

The soil maps, which are available, indicate impressive carrying capacity for the introduced forages on the Coyle sandy loam, Dennis and Stephenville-Darnell soils which constitute approximately 750 acres of the ranch. A large part of these areas currently contain a base of Bermuda grass and offer the ability to over seed with annual ryegrass, fescue, crabgrass and clover. The maps indicate that the introduced pastures should have a conservative carrying capacity of 4 acres/animal unit year round.

These same maps indicate that the native grass base, which is representative of the Tallgrass Prairie,
should carry an animal unit for every 12 acres when properly fenced.

The native grass base quality would be greatly enhanced with an aggressive burning program.

The combination of partition fencing and separation of the introduced forages from the native will
provide the ability to enhance the carrying capacity.


The well at the headquarters provides water from the Vamoos Aquifer which also contributes to the several springs and tributaries found through out the ranch.

The average rainfall is 38” to 40” each year. Besides the two lakes, numerous ponds are located throughout the property and several additional locations for ponds or lakes exist in Sections 4 and 5.

Wildlife and Recreation:

The two clear water lakes offer boating, fishing and waterfowl opportunities while the ranch offers habitat to sustain deer, turkey, quail and other game and non-game species. An aggressive burning program will benefit not only the forage production base but will greatly improve the wildlife habitat.

Oilfield Production:

The majority of the current production is located in Section 8 with a few wells in the northern areas of Section 4, 5 and 9. A gas compressor station is located near the center of Section 8. As previously mentioned, the current mineral production maintenance of roads and well locations would most certainly be improved by land owner presence. A change of the ownership of the production has resulted in the cleanup of the lease, burying of pipelines and other production improvements.This should offer a much better owner/producer relationship.


As mentioned, there are two miles of new fence surrounding the NW/4 of Section 8, but the ranch needs some new perimeter and partition fences to adequately manage for livestock production.The partition fences could be built relatively inexpensively using “New Zealand” type electric fencing. All of the outside fencing would not necessarily need to be built immediately. Some of the outside fencing is new and some very adequate. The needed fencing might be built with adjacent owner participation.


The expense of fencing, and other improvements, does offers an opportunity to those buyers that may want to utilize the Federal Accelerated Depreciation offered on former Indian Lands.This depreciation on depreciable property, other than residential, allows an approximately 40% quicker depreciation for ranch improvements such as fences, roads, ponds, corrals, and barns.

Oklahoma advalorem taxes are relatively low compared to other states and the taxes for this property
are less than $2,000/acre.


As previously mentioned, the ranch has been priced to reflect the improvements thatmay be needed to improve the value and production of the property. The owner rates the current carrying capacity at 200 animal units.

The recreation value is obvious with the large lakes, numerous ponds, creeks, springs and the nice
cross timbers ranch .

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